Select your device and follow the instructions below to get us connected!



1. Click the an option above to download.

A small application will be downloaded to your computer, this will allow our technicians access to your PC to help!

2. Run the Application

Once the application is downloaded, double-click on it to start it! If you can’t find it, it may be in your ‘Downloads’ folder.

3. Give us the Code

Once you run the application, you will be given a 9 digit code. Read this code off to us to allow us access to your PC


For Mobile Users

1. Scan the QR Code

Point your mobile device’s camera directly at below QR Code.


2. Install the Application

Install the SplashTop SOS App on to your your device.

3. Give us the Code

Open the app and read off the 9-digit code to allow us access.